Friday, October 7, 2011

Sept 15

We looked at our stained slides under the microscope using the oil immersion lens. To use the oil immersion lens we placed a drop of oil on top of our slide. We slowly turned the fine focus until we created a cylinder with the oil. This allowed better light refraction which allowed for better overall image resolution.

Above is our slide with a drop of immersion oil on it.

                                               Our slide under oil immersion lens.
Below is a photo of one of our "K" bacteria slants after they have been in the incubator for two days. The growth appeared to be raised, cream, translucent with undulating margins.  

Dr. Pathakamuri helped us to make a new pure colony. He used sterile applicators to re-streak the Petri dish. We placed the new streaked plate in the incubator. The next day we placed the said Petri dish in the fridge to slow down the growth.

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