Sunday, November 20, 2011

Yogurt time!

Making homemade yogurt is so easy, anyone can do it!

Materials needed
Milk (1 liter)
microwavable safe container
incubator at 37 degrees C
1 cup pre-made yogurt
1 cup kefir

Pour milk in a container, and place in microwave for about 5 minutes -or until boiling-
Take milk out of microwave and wait for the milk to cool down. ( You know when it has cooled enough when you can leave your finger in the milk for 10 seconds without your finger getting burned.)

For our experiment we poured the warm milk into three different cups.
1 cup had only milk
1 had Kefir added
1 had pre-made yogurt added.

Stick the three cups in the incubator at 37 degrees C for about 9 hours (or just over night)
        -at home you can place the cups in your oven with just the oven light turned on.

After 9 hours take out the cups and you have yourself some yummy homemade yogurt!

To make flavored yogurt add honey, fruit preserves, or your favorite jam! yuummmmmyy

Pouring in the milk

heat it to boiling - careful, it might overflow!

See the frothy layer on top? That is the fat from the milk after it has been boiled. Why does the fat rise to the top? because its less dense!  

stirring it up to help it cool down
Kefir getting ready to be added to the milk!
Get the three cups ready! The little one is the control, one is with Kefir added and the other is with pre-made yogurt.
TADA! Homemade yogurt! The yogurt on the left if made from Kefir product, on the right from pre-made yogurt
on the yogurt made from Kefir was much sweeter than the yogurt made from the pre-made yogurt, which was really tart.

Interesting fact--> If you want to see if a bacteria is a good probiotic, then see if it makes good yogurt!

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