Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nov 15-17

What happens when bacteria is exposed to a UV light?

What I did
I streaked a new agar plate with my unknown using aseptic technique.

I placed the plate under a UV lamp for 30 second - Make sure 1/2 of the plate is not exposed to the UV lighting.

I then placed it in the incubator at 37 degrees for 48 hours.

My bacteria is the one on the right. Note, the UV light did not hinder growth
Today I also took out my environmental sample, after 2 months, from the freezer that was set at -80 C.
All I did was streak a new plate with the frozen bacteria and I placed it in the incubator at 37C.

Recall  from past posts that my environmental bacteria is motile, hence it is taking over! But look! My bacteria and SS's bacteria are not combining! They are resisting each other which means one is an antibacterial!

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