Monday, December 5, 2011

Nov 22

We did a an exercise studying the technique of immunology and we applied it in a test for food purity. Today I worked with Katherine.

What is immunology? = the Study of an organism's response to a foreign organic substance.

What we did
Took a dropping pipet and a petri dish containing agar. The bottom of each dish was labeled I, II, or III.

Placed the petri dish over the appropriate template so the template and section matched.
Held the dropping pipet bertically over one of the circles on teh template. Squeezing the pipet bulb we gently touched the pipet tip to the surface of the agar. While relasing the bulb we pushed the pipet tip down through the agar to the bottom of the dish, and lifted the pipet vertically. This left a straight- walled well in the agar.

Then, following the instructions, I filled each well.

EXERCISE 1 - Diffusion and Precipitation in Agar

Using template I, I made four wells and then filled them.

well 1 = Green Dye
well 2 = Red Dye
well 3 = Barium Chloride
well 4 = Potassium Sulfate

Closer look at wells and dye
Adding the dyes


EXERCISE 2 - Anitbody-antigen Reaction in Agar

Placed petri dish section II over template II, made the wells as shown and filled them.

well 1= Bovine Albumin

well 2 = Goat Anti-horse Albumin
well 3 = Goat Anti-bovine Albumin
well 4 = Goat Anti-swine Albumin
Results for II. Notice the small almost unnoticeable streak that looks like an apostrophe between the M and S. That small mark  shows that there was a reaction.
 The reaction took place between the Bovine Albumin and the Goat Anti-Horse Albumin.

EXERCISE 3 - Testing For Food Purity

Placed the petri dish section III over template III, made the wells as shown and filled them.

well 1= Hamburger Extract
well 2 = Goat Anti-horse Albumin
well 3 = Goat Anti-bovine Albumin
well 4 = Goat Anti-swine Albumin

This reaction took place right under the K between the Hamburger extract and the Goat Anti-Horse Albumin.

Total results


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